Fluent Cargo

Airport name

Desierto de Atacama Airport CPO

Contact details

Airport Website

Port type



Chile (CL)


-27.261, -70.779



Local time

Airport Access

  • Road
  • Rail
  • Inland Waterway

Alternative airports

Alternative airports with regular departures that are near Desierto de Atacama Airport. Ranked from closest to farthest away.

  1. La Florida Airport

    LSC • 298km

  2. Andrés Sabella Gálvez International Airport

    ANF • 426km

  3. Country flag: AR

    Capitan V A Almonacid Airport

    IRJ • 456km

  4. Country flag: AR

    Coronel Felipe Varela International Airport

    CTC • 516km

Nearby seaports

Nearby seaports with regular departures that are near Desierto de Atacama Airport. Ranked from closest to farthest away.

  1. Coquimbo

    CLCQQ • 304km

  2. Antofagasta

    CLANF • 404km

  3. Puerto Angamos

    CLPAG • 468km

  4. Valparaiso

    CLVAP • 648km

Carriers that service this port

There are 2 carriers that service Desierto de Atacama Airport. We have ranked them based on their scheduled frequency into that Port and included alternative names where available.

Carrier Identifier: LALATAM Airlines
2-4 times a dayMore details
Carrier Identifier: H2Sky Airline
1-2 times a dayMore details

Port statistics

Frequently asked questions about Desierto de Atacama Airport