Fluent Cargo

Nuuk to Catania By Air freight, Container ship or Road

See the best way to ship your freight from Nuuk, to Catania, Italy by Air, Sea and Road. Compare transit times, frequency, emissions, sailing schedules and much more.

Nuuk to Catania by Air freight

The quickest way to get from Nuuk to Catania by plane will take about 21hrs and departs from Nuuk Airport (GOH) and arrives into Catania-Fontanarossa Airport (CTA). There are flights departing daily on this route. Icelandair is one of the carriers that operates regular services on this route with flights departing 2-4 times a week.

Quickest air route

Nuuk Airport to Catania-Fontanarossa Airport

Departs from

Departs from

5,270 km
3,274 mi.
2 transfers
No stops

Estimated emissions

415kg CO₂e (per 100kg)

Operating carriersDeparture frequencyAircraft types
Carrier Identifier: FIIcelandair
2-4 times a weekDe Havilland (Bombardier) DHC-8-400 Dash 8Q+3 others
Carrier Identifier: FIIcelandair
2-4 times a weekDe Havilland (Bombardier) DHC-8-400 Dash 8Q+5 others
Carrier Identifier: FIIcelandair
2-4 times a weekDe Havilland (Bombardier) DHC-8-400 Dash 8Q+4 others
More Details

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Air routes from Nuuk to Catania

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More about shipping cargo and freight from Nuuk to Catania by Air, Ocean and Road