Fluent Cargo

Airport name

Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport BOD

Contact details

Airport Website

Port type



France (FR)


44.828, -0.716



Local time

Airport Access

  • Road
  • Rail
  • Inland Waterway

Alternative airports

Alternative airports with regular departures that are near Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport. Ranked from closest to farthest away.

  1. Bergerac Dordogne Périgord Airport

    EGC • 97km

  2. Pau Pyrénées Airport

    PUF • 163km

  3. Biarritz-Anglet-Bayonne Airport

    BIQ • 165km

  4. Brive-Souillac

    BVE • 175km

Nearby seaports

Nearby seaports with regular departures that are near Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport. Ranked from closest to farthest away.

  1. Bassens

    FRBAS • 17km

  2. Country flag: ES


    ESBIO • 249km

  3. Montoir-de-Bretagne

    FRMTX • 297km

  4. Sete

    FRSET • 389km

Carriers that service this port

There are 27 carriers that service Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport. We have ranked them based on their scheduled frequency into that Port and included alternative names where available.

Carrier Identifier: V7Volotea
Every few hoursMore details
Carrier Identifier: AFAir France
Every few hoursMore details
Carrier Identifier: IBIberia
1-2 times a dayMore details
Carrier Identifier: LHLufthansa
1-2 times a dayMore details
Carrier Identifier: EKEmirates
Every 1-2 daysMore details
Carrier Identifier: LXSwiss
Every 1-2 daysMore details
Carrier Identifier: SQSingapore Airlines
Every 1-2 daysMore details
Carrier Identifier: BABritish Airways
Every 1-2 daysMore details

Port statistics

Frequently asked questions about Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport