Honinabi Airport is a airport near Tari in Papua New Guinea (PG). It is 420km away from the nearest seaport (Madang). The offical IATA for this airport is HNN.
Honinabi Airport
This Port is also identified by the following Port codes.
Airport name
Honinabi Airport HNN
Port type
Papua New Guinea (PG)
-6.246, 142.177Timezone
Local time
Airport Access
- Road
- Rail
- Inland Waterway
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Alternative airports
Alternative airports with regular departures that are near Honinabi Airport. Ranked from closest to farthest away.
Nearby seaports
Nearby seaports with regular departures that are near Honinabi Airport. Ranked from closest to farthest away.
Carriers that service this port
There are 1 carriers that service Honinabi Airport. We have ranked them based on their scheduled frequency into that Port and included alternative names where available.
Carrier Name | Departure frequency | On time arrivals (Last month) | |
![]() | N/A | More details |
Port statistics
#2673Global Rank
Honinabi Airport is ranked 2673rd in the world in our Port Connectivity Ranking system which ranks Airports and Seaports by their direct connections to other global ports.