Fluent Cargo

Airport name

Wonju Airport / Hoengseong Air Base (K-38/K-46) WJU

Contact details

Airport Website

Port type



South Korea (KR)


37.437, 127.960



Local time

Airport Access

  • Road
  • Rail
  • Inland Waterway

Alternative airports

Alternative airports with regular departures that are near Wonju Airport / Hoengseong Air Base (K-38/K-46). Ranked from closest to farthest away.

  1. Cheongju International Airport/Cheongju Air Base (K-59/G-513)

    CJJ • 90km

  2. Osan Air Base

    OSN • 91km

  3. Gimpo International Airport

    GMP • 104km

  4. Incheon International Airport

    ICN • 133km

Nearby seaports

Nearby seaports with regular departures that are near Wonju Airport / Hoengseong Air Base (K-38/K-46). Ranked from closest to farthest away.

  1. Pyeongtaek

    KRPTK • 112km

  2. Incheon

    KRINC • 116km

  3. Daesan

    KRTSN • 144km

  4. Pohang

    KRKPO • 198km

Carriers that service this port

There are 1 carriers that service Wonju Airport / Hoengseong Air Base (K-38/K-46). We have ranked them based on their scheduled frequency into that Port and included alternative names where available.

Carrier Identifier: LJJin Air
1-2 times a dayMore details

Port statistics

#1630Global Rank

Wonju Airport / Hoengseong Air Base (K-38/K-46) is ranked 1630th in the world in our Port Connectivity Ranking system which ranks Airports and Seaports by their direct connections to other global ports.

Frequently asked questions about Wonju Airport / Hoengseong Air Base (K-38/K-46)