Dublin to Chittagong By Air freight, Container ship or Road
See the best way to ship your freight from Dublin, Ireland to Chittagong, Bangladesh by Air, Sea and Road. Compare transit times, frequency, emissions, sailing schedules and much more.
Map / Route overview
Compare shipping modes
Air Freight
Dublin Airport to Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport
Duration / Frequency
17h 48m, Every few hours
370kg CO₂e
Container Ship
Dublin Port to Chittagong
Duration / Frequency
35 days 16h, 2-4 times a day
1.04t CO₂e
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Dublin to Chittagong by Air freight
The quickest way to get from Dublin to Chittagong by plane will take about 17h 48m and departs from Dublin Airport (DUB) and arrives into Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (DAC). There are flights departing every few hours on this route. Qatar Airways is one of the carriers that operates regular services on this route with flights departing 1-2 times a day.
Quickest air route
Dublin Airport to Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport
The quickest way to get from Dublin to Chittagong by ship will take about 35 days 16h and departs from Dublin Port (IEDUB) and arrives into Chittagong (BDCGP). There are vessels departing 2-4 times a day on this route. BG Freight is one of the carriers that operates regular services on this route with vessels departing every 1-2 weeks.
More about shipping cargo and freight from Dublin to Chittagong by Air, Ocean and Road
The shortest shipping time by sea between Dublin and Chittagong is 35 days 16h. Ships depart from Dublin Port (IEDUB) and arrive at Chittagong (BDCGP) with scheduled departures 2-4 times a day.
There are scheduled container ships that depart 2-4 times a day from Dublin Port (IEDUB) and arrive into Chittagong (BDCGP) around 35 days 16h later. These services are operated by BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight, BG Freight and BG Freight.
The quickest flight from Dublin to Chittagong takes around 17h 48m. Flights depart from Dublin Airport (DUB) and arrive at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (DAC).
Scheduled flights between Dublin Airport (DUB) and Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (DAC) depart every few hours. These flights are serviced by Qatar Airways, Emirates, EgyptAir and Turkish Airlines and the typical transit time is around 17h 48m.
No, it doesn't look like there are dedicated Cargo planes flying between Dublin and Chittagong. There are regular passenger aircraft however and they might be able to accommodate your cargo depending on its dimensions and weight.
The distance between Dublin and Chittagong by cargo ship is 8,788 Nautical Miles (16,276 Kilometres / 10,114 Miles). This distance is measured by sea between Dublin Port (IEDUB) and Chittagong (BDCGP).
The distance between Dublin and Chittagong by air is around 9,594 Kilometres (5,961 Miles). This distance is measured following typical flight paths between Dublin Airport (DUB) and Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (DAC).
1.04t CO₂e (per TEU) is the estimated emissions output (CO2e) when transporting a typical shipping container (1 TEU) from Dublin to Chittagong. This is calculated using the overall historical emissions of the average container ship on this trade lane and dividing it by the total projected capacity.
370kg CO₂e (per 100kg) is the estimated emissions output (CO2e) when sending cargo by air from Dublin to Chittagong. This is calculated by determining the total fuel burn output of various aircraft that typically fly this route and dividing it by the total available cargo capacity in KGs.